Friday, July 27, 2012

Why Choose Round Diamonds

Round diamonds continue to be the most popular shape for aesthetic purposes. The prime reason why most people choose round cuts over fancy shapes is the marked difference in brilliance.

Fancy cuts often limit the amount of light that enters the piece, and this hinders light from reflecting the natural sparkle of the Diamond. Imperfect cuts also limit light distribution and dispersion, which are also very important in determining the brilliance and color of the diamond. Moreover, fancy shaped diamonds will not give off the same brilliance of round cut diamonds even if their color and clarity grading are very high.

Round diamonds are also greater in value because their shape requires the utmost skill and talent from the diamond cutter. Only a highly trained expert can create a truly brilliant round cut diamond. Since round cuts require more time, creativity, effort and precision from the cutter, these are naturally more valuable than other types of cut. However, you can still get the best selection of round diamonds at the best prices, only from


  1. Thanks for this great information!!
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  2. I respectfully disagree. There is no difference between loose diamonds!

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